Thank you for your interest in Penn Virtual Heart Model. VHM is developed in Matlab/Simulink. The Matlab version is more easy and flexible to work with. The Simulink version can be translated into Verilog implementation using HDL coder. The parameters for different case studies can be found here.

VHM Matlab code

Current version: v1.0

Released Date: 04/09/11

A simulation environment has been developed in Matlab. User can create, modify and save test cases as well as simulating electrogram signals and deliver programmed pacing at run-time. A tutorial of how to use the simulation environment is coming soon. The whole package including basic code and one case study can be downloaded here.

User can also use individual files to create their own application.

heart_model.m: The main VHM code. Requires node_automaton.m and path_automaton.m

functional_sensing.m: The probe model which generate synthetic Electrogram

pacemaker_new.m: The most up-to-date DDD pacemaker model including Mode-Switch and Ventricle Safety Pacing. Need to load pace_param.m.

Case Studies

The parameters for each case studies are stored as .mat format. It can be loaded into the simulation environment. The file includes parameters for node and path automata as well as probe configurations. We will keep updating new case studies when they are available.

04/09/11: Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia (AVNRT)

04/13/11: Atrial Flutter

04/13/11: Wenckebach-type A-V nodal response

VHM Simulink code

Current version: V1.0

Released on 03/23/12

Since FPGA platform doesn not support division operator, the calculations for conduction velocity and refractory period cannot be directly adapted. We are working on a LUT based solution for this problem. In this version, we present a Simulink implementation of VHM with simplified transitions. A minimum topology has been adapted to be able to simulate NSR, Bradycardia, Bradycardia with A-V block. By deliver PAC and PVC, the VHM can be triggered into Atrial Flutter and ELT.

The same model can be used for HDL generation. The code generation package will be available in the next version.

Pacemaker UPPAAL code

The UPPAAL model of our pacemaker and the heart can be downloaded here.

Last updated: 01/29/14